Issue policies of all insurance companies in 1 minute

  • For insurance agents
  • For insurance companies
  • For online sellers
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Електронний підпис для договорів страхування – (КЕП/УЕП)


один на всю страхову компанію або під кожного працівника


можливість накладати КЕП/УЕП як в нашому інтерфейсі так і по АРІ


можливість накладання КЕП/УЕП страхового агента


автоматичне рішення для будь-якого пристрою та у будь-який час 24/7


найкраща цінова пропозиція на ринку


Benefits of working with us

  • Additional

    Get more out of insurance sales without interrupting your core business

  • Simplicity and speed
    of connection

    To log in to your cabinet on Agent Insurs Online for agents, you only need to get on the internet and enter your login and password. You don`t need any specific gadget.

  • Unified

    You do not need to sign agency agreements with many insurance companies, but only with Insurs Online for agents

  • Modern

    Sell insurance 24/7 in any convenient way from anywhere in the world.

  • Analytics
    and reporting

    You will be able to view, analyze and control all your sales

  • Referral

    Invite other agents and get a percentage of their sales

Наші страхові продукти




Зелена картка



Туристичне страхування



Медичне страхування



Страхування Майна



Страхування нещасних випадків



Страхування фінансових ризиків



Insurance partners in Ukraine

Question – answer


Video review about our platform

Anna Robertovich
agent insurs online
I want to say thank you to Insurs Online for agents that rescued me from the paper routine. I forgot about paper forms and reports. I stopped wasting time and effort on delivering documents to the addressee. I can issue a policy in almost one click now. If my client wants to re-insure, I only should check his data to make sure it didn`t change.
Ivan Boiko
agent insurs online
Insurs Online is the best service I have ever worked with. It has a simple SRM-system for communication with my clients. Specialists always keep in touch through personal messages. I increased my income twice last month. I have an opportunity to engage new clients. I am happy that I found this platform. Insurs Online is the best service for insurance agents.
Elena Borisova
agent insurs online
I have been an insurance agent for three years. It was hard to reach a new level, find more clients, and automize my main work processes. When I started working with Insurs Online for agents, I solved lots of my problems thanks to their SRM-system. I issue my insurance policies in 1 minute now and have a great selection of insurance companies. My clients come back to me, again and again, thanks to this convenient system.
Evgeny Polishchuk
agent insurs online
Insurs Online is the discovery for me in 2021. I don`t need to sign many agent`s agreements with insurance companies anymore. I can issue all policies quickly and easily. I can analyze and control all sales in my personal account. I have more clients now because I have more time to attract them. My income also increased.
Oleg Voznyy
agent insurs online
I have been an insurance agent since 2015, but I started working with Insurs Online only last year. This service is convenient. I can work there 24/7, log in with any device, and work distantly. Most of all, I would like to mention the automated CRM system and the commission. You can also attract other agents and increase your income.

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